Golden tips for regular PERIODS

 Ola people...howz it goin?

So the topic is already in front of you. Yes, its on the CODE RED THING OF THE MONTH. I've already posted on how to reduce cramp pain ,today its on how to get regular periods. 

Its a major problem with girls ,be it during teens, or post teens. It cannot be taken lightly, shouldnt be taken carelessly too. Owing to today's stress filled life ,tensions ,worries  etc, we get into such problems. But always remember nothing , nothing in front of your health. 

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Here's a video of the tips:

Period Problem Solution

If you dont take proper care atleast about your menstrual cycle, you may have to repent later. 

So here you go...some insightful tips infront of you.

We girls often tend to curse the periods for the pain it gives us, at the same time we get in and out upset if its not regular. Primarly, periods is necessary for the prime reason. Yes, girls have been blessed with the concept of reproduction. It is to facilitate that stage of life in future we deal with pain through out .The lining of uterus breaks down when girl is not pregnant and flows out through vagina for 3-5 days. So approximately, girls bleed for a week , and yet stand strong. Girls ,,do you need anything more to prove yourself you are neither weak nor inferior ?

Chalo, lets dive into the tips now...


I just cant stress enough on how important it is to exercise. There is not much research done on how exactly it stimulates, but it does loosen the muscles. If you are a lazy head, atleast try to walk  many steps in your home itself specially nearing the chum time. We should not give excuse of  time for our health atleast. This is the least we can do for the vehicle of our life, the gift from parents, the wonderful creation of the almighty lord ,,,,our BODY. Be flexible and fit. Skip ,hop ,dance ,walk, hit the gym or do it yourself. Just do it.


You can learn ma types of yogasanas and practice regularly. It makes your spine stronger and helps you bear the chum cramps too. It has multiple benefits which we all are aware of, so STAY CALM AND DO YOGA. Girls with PCOD/PCOS  must get into some sort of workout regime at the earliest.


I know, this is something we would not want to opt for, but this is one of the fastest stimulant of periods. But not recommended for acidity patients. Try to mix some jaggery to reduce the  dominant strength of ginger's harshness.


Papaya constricts the uterus and thus is said to induce periods .This is why pregnant women is not allowed to eat papaya. Well ,people hating papaya do exist :)..They might want to try other tips or just eat this papaya for the sake of health.


Its important to keep the mental peace at all point of time. What better than meditation .Stress free lifestyle is a dream and not practically possible to 100%. But try to stay calm , how much ever possible. This does have a lot of impact on your body. HAPPY MIND, HAPPY LIFE.

6. Affirmations, the Power of words:
You could even try out the magic of manifestation, affirmations. Keep saying I direct, instruct, command and compel my body, the universe to start my periods right now, I'm in my period, I'm perfectly healthy. Believe it thoroughly and stay positive in the worst of worst situations. Mindset has the power to change everything and Universe is our very own Genie❤️...
Check out this wonderful video on Period Affirmations:
Period Affirmations
You could even try this subliminal on YouTube, keep listening to it with full belief, strong belief, that you will and you should get your period and will manifest. It's is true. 

 I'm a strong antagonist for allopathy medicines for such topics atleast, and will never recommend tablets for either inducing periods or  a pain killer during the process. Try to be strong, face it, don't succumb to medicines until and unless it is the only option left. Believe me if you overcome such small challenges, it will foster huge confidence in you.Also try water manifestation with some mantra like
☸ ΰ₯ Holy Lyrics ΰ₯ ☸ || Kamakhe Kamasampanne, Kamashwari Har-Priye || || Kamna Dehi Main Nitya, Kamashwari Namostute ||

 or anything u believe. Trust n proceed.

In case the above tips wont work for you, consult a GYNECOLOGIST at the earliest. But again don't make a mountain out of a mole hill. Exercise has the power to heal many of the problems .So try to solve it at the initial level ,as much as possible.

